NARS DEEP (1995 – 1999)
The NARS-DEEP project was a project which was set up by Utrecht University in collaboration with the University of St. Petersburg (Russia), the Institute of Geological Sciences in Minsk (Belarus), the Institute of Geophysics in Kiev (Ukraine), and the Institute of earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Physics in Moscow (Russia). The objective of the NARS-DEEP project (1995-1999) was collect seismological data to study the upper mantle structure below the East European Platform and to investigate regional seismicity. In July 1995 six broadband seismological stations were installed in the western part of the New Independent States (Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine). Two additional stations were installed in 1997. The stations continued to record after the official end of the project.

Station list & data

Muyzert, E., H. Paulssen, and R. Snieder, A seismic cross section through the East European continent, Geophys. J. Int., 136, 695-704, 1999.
Paulssen, H., B.G. Bukchin, A.P. Emelianov, M. Lazarenko, E. Muyzert, R. Snieder , and T.B. Yanovskaya, The NARS-DEEP project, Tectonophysics, 313, 1-8, 2000.
Paulssen, H., NARS-DEEP: NARS Deployed on the East European Platform, Europrobe News Issue, 1, 9, 1992.
Snieder, R., and H. Paulssen, Future deployment of the NARS array, in Proceedings of the Europrobe Symposium Jablonna 1991, edited by D.G. Gee and M. Beckholmen, pp. 129-132, Warsawa, 1993.
The Seismology Group of Utrecht University developed the NARS CSD20 seismic data logger together with the Dutch company Interay (Burgum, Friesland). One of the first data loggers equipped with a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) for filtering and decimating the signal. This allowed a resolution of more than 20 bits to be achieved. Data was stored on DAT (Digital Audio Tape) which could hold 3 GByte of data. For precise timing we use a GPS smart antenna.
Two horizontal Kinemetrics SL-220 and a vertical SL-210 where used. The sensors are tuned to an eigenperiod of 12 second and by use of a pre-amplifier with shaping filter, the response for lower frequencies could be extended significant. This made the vertical seismometer very sensitive to temperature and therefore placed in a polystyrene box.

Set up at station NE53 Naroch. In front the two horizontal Kinemetrics SL-220 seismometers and the isolation box with vertical SL-210. The metal tubes are housing the pre-amplifier with shaping filter. In de back V. Karpinsky & V. Kolkovsky.
Station NE52 in church Pskov.
- V.Karpinsky mounting the GPS antenna.
- A.van Wettum, installation in catacomb